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Pannar’s maize package comprises various growth classes and includes conventional, stalk borer resistant, glyphosate tolerant and stacked gene hybrids. These hybrids are recommended for grain and silage production, as well as for maize foggage.
The formidable yellow maize package of ultra early, early, medium early and medium hybrids offers a good long-term risk-mitigating strategy.
This season, Pannar introduces three new maize hybrids with the latest PowerCore™ trait technology: PAN 3P-924PW, PAN 4P-928PW and PAN 5P-990PW. PowerCore™ technology incorporates three different Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) -proteins, for extensive control of targeted above-ground insects. The unique combination of Bt-proteins contained in PowerCore™ technology offers improved Insect Resistant Management (IRM) against major maize pests, while its glyphosate tolerance brings a proven, convenient weed control benefit to farmers.
PAN 3P-924PW is the quickest maize hybrid with the latest PowerCore™ trait technology in the Pannar range. It boasts quick dry-down and an attractive grain type.
PAN 4P-928PW has excellent top-end yield potential and handles higher plant populations very comfortably.
PAN 5P-990PW is widely adapted with stable performance across all production areas. It has excellent early vigour and good standability.
The season’s new introductions are concluded with PAN 4A-132; an entirely new platform with strong yield stability across different yield potentials. It is highly prolific with a robust disease profile.
Experience the benefits of this new, well-balanced genetic platform with an upright plant type for better harvestability. This full season hybrid is widely adapted and offers excellent standability, a high prolificacy index, and a significant test weight, all contributing to its impressive yield potential.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 127 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 120-160 |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Average |
Prolificacy | Good |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Unknown |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Unknown |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Unknown |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | Unknown |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 35 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 16-45 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
A recently released hybrid platform in the medium early season growth class with well-balanced agronomics that has consistently delivered strong performance over years of testing. Good overall leaf disease tolerance and prolificacy afford these hybrids wide adaptability. The platform has also shown an impressive top-end yield in high potential conditions. PAN 5P-966PW with PowerCore™ technology provides broad-spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 125 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 63-81 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 120-160 |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Average |
Prolificacy | Good |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-55 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 24-45 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
These new hybrids are widely adapted with stable performance across all production areas. A very good choice for stable yields in lower potential environments. These hybrids have excellent early vigour, and good standability. A very healthy plant with good general disease tolerance. Adapted for low plant populations. PAN 4P-952PW with PowerCore™ technology provides broad-spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 119 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Low |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Low |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | No |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | N/A |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 30-50 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 119 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Low |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Low |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | No |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | N/A |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 30-50 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
These new hybrids are of the same genetic background as PAN 4R-838BR. This platform has performed well under a wide range of plant populations and yield potentials. Strong emergence and seedling vigour give this hybrid an early advantage. In environments where Common Rust is prevalent, a preventative fungicide spray is advised for this otherwise well-balanced hybrid. The new PAN 4P-938PW with PowerCore™ technology provides broad-spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 116 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-79 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 108-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | High |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 65 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 30-65 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 116 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-79 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 108-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | High |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 65 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 30-65 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
This hybrid is an excellent stablemate for the PAN 3A-124 platform. It has demonstrated excellent yield potential in advancement trials. PAN 3P-912PW shows strong tolerance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB), which should aid performance in high NCLB pressure environments. The PowerCore™ technology provides broad spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 113 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 53-75 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 104-143 |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Average |
Prolificacy | Weak |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | High |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Unknown |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Low |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | Yes |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 80-100 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 40-70 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
This recently developed hybrid with a robust disease profile and strong yield stability across different yield potentials, has performed with distiction in product testing trials. PAN 4A-132 has also brought strong prolificacy back to the early growth class. Indications point to this product becoming a major hybrid in the market!
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 116 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-79 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 108-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Unknown |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Unknown |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Unknown |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Unknown |
Full Irrigation | Unknown |
Supplementary Irrigation | Unknown |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 65-80 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 40-70 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 116 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-79 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Unknown |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Unknown |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Unknown |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | Yes |
Full Irrigation | Unknown |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 65-80 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 35-70 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
These reliable hybrids maintain good performance and stability at all yield potential levels and have excellent leaf disease tolerance. Widely adapted for all production areas, and proven yield leaders in the eastern Highveld. This platform produces excellent quality flinty grain with good hectolitre mass and a golden yellow colour, very popular with merchants.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 126 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 63-81 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 120-160 |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Average |
Prolificacy | Good |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Low |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | Yes |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-55 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 25-45 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 126 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 63-81 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 120-160 |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Average |
Prolificacy | Good |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Low |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Low |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | Yes |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-55 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 25-45 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
These hybrids are widely adapted with stable performance across all production areas. A very good choice for silage in the eastern production areas. These hybrids have excellent early vigour, and have good standability. A very healthy plant with good general disease tolerance especially to Diplodia and Common Rust. They show reasonable prolificacy at low plant populations. PAN 5P-990PW with PowerCore™ technology provides broad spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 119 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 61-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-155 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Low |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-65 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 25-50 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 119 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 61-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-155 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Low |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-65 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 25-50 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 119 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 61-80 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 115-155 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Average |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Average |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Low |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-65 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 25-50 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | No |
PAN 4A-156 has good general disease tolerance and is a top performer in KwaZulu-Natal and in the moist high potential environments of the east. With its larger plant type and strong stay-green leaves, it makes an excellent quick silage hybrid.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 118 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 60-79 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 110-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Weak |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | Average |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | Average |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Low |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | No |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 50-70 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 40-70 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
These early growth class hybrids have excellent top-end yield potential. They should be considered for high potential lands where they will be afforded the opportunity to reach their full potential. Particularly well suited to the eastern production areas, this agronomically well-balanced platform has good standability and will handle higher plant populations very comfortably. In higher disease pressure environments a preventative fungicide programme is recommended. PAN 4P-928PW with PowerCore™ technology provides broad spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 114 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 57-78 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 110-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Weak |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) | High |
Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) | High |
Common Rust | Average |
Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot | Average |
Diplodia Cob Rot | Average |
Cob and Tassel Smut | Average |
Sulfonylurea Sensitivity | No |
Full Irrigation | Yes |
Supplementary Irrigation | Yes |
Irrigation Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 65-80 |
Dryland Plant Population per ha (‘000) | 40-70 |
Suitable for High Population Pressure | Yes |
Maize Type | Yellow Maize |
Relative Maturity (days) | 114 |
Days to 50% Tassel | 57-78 |
Days to Physiological Maturity | 110-150 |
Ear Type | Fixed |
Drying Rate | Good |
Tillering | Good |
Prolificacy | Weak |
Standability | Good |
Seedling Vigour | Good |