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Pannar Seed<sup>®</sup> launches maize hybrids with PowerCore™ Trait Technology - a new insect control solution

This season, Pannar Seed is proud to introduce two new yellow maize hybrids with PowerCore™ technology, namely PAN 3P-900PW and PAN 5P-902PW. PowerCore™ technology is a high-performance, insect-resistant seed trait that effectively protects maize against destructive above-ground lepidoptera pests such as the African maize stalk borer (Busseola fusca) and Chilo borer (Chilo partellus). These pests can cause significant crop damage and subsequent production losses.

PowerCore™ technology consists of three different Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins, each targeting the insects differently, which greatly contributes to extending the durability of the technology.

The PowerCore™ technology also imparts herbicide resistance to glyphosate herbicides. This exceptional trait technology, which combines good insect protection with greater yield potential, is now available in Pannar's portfolio of high-yield genetics.

“Pannar is proud to provide farmers a new ability to decide which Bt trait technology best suits their farms. Not only has the efficacy of PowerCore™ technology been demonstrated in local trials, but the technology also has a proven track record in similar climates in both Brazil and Argentina, where it has been successfully used since 2012. We are excited to begin rolling this new technology out across our genetic platforms, starting with PAN 3P-900PW and PAN 5P-902PW this season,” says Nick Goble, Pannar Seed Business Manager.

Insect Spectrum
Maize in Africa is attacked by many lepidopteran pests. These pests cause severe damage to maize and crop loss varies depending on the time and level of stem borer infestation.

Maize Stalk Borer (Busseola fusca) is the most injurious stem borer of maize in South Africa and occurs at altitudes ranging from sea level to 2 000 m above sea level. It is widespread throughout the maize production triangle of South Africa.

Spotted stem borer (Chilo partellus) is a stem boring insect that is a serious pest to maize, millet and sorghum. The spotted stem borer caterpillars damage these crops by boring or tunnelling inside their plant stems.

New Yellow Hybrids
Pannar’s formidable yellow maize package of different growth classes offer a good long-term risk mitigating strategy.

PAN 3R-900PW
PAN 3R-900PW, is a new ultra early yellow hybrid based on PAN 3R-500R genetics and is suitable for high potential dryland production regions (eastern production regions that include the eastern Highveld and KwaZulu-Natal) and under high input irrigated and double cropping systems (high yield potential, water application and management). It has an attractive plant type with good standability, low ear placement and good grain quality.

PAN 3R-900PW is an excellent new option for the eastern dryland production regions and under irrigation for all production regions.

PAN 5P-902PW
As a new genetic platform in the medium early growth class, PAN 5P-902PW is characterised by its low ear placement, good stalk strength and standability. It performs well across a wide range of yield potential levels and plant populations. PAN 5P-902PW is recommended in a package with the PAN 4A-128 and PAN 5A-182 platforms for the eastern Highveld and KwaZulu-Natal production regions. It produces excellent grain quality with good bushel weight.

NB! The management of possible insect resistance to the Bt-gene is legally binding. The planting of a refuge according to regulations is required where any Bt-hybrids are used.

PAN 5P-902PW is recommended for the high-potential eastern production areas together with the PAN 4A-128 and PAN 5A-182 series hybrids.

Corteva Agriscience Trait Stewardship
Stewardship is a life cycle approach to product management. It is the responsible way to manage our technologies and plant products from their discovery and development to their use and eventual discontinuation. Corteva Agriscience is committed to bringing new technologies to the marketplace in a responsible manner and promotes the practices of responsible Insect Resistance Management, Herbicide Resistance Management, and Grain Marketing decisions, to ensure crop options.

PowerCore™ multi-event technology is developed by Corteva Agriscience and Monsanto. PowerCore™ is a trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC.

® SM Trademarks and service marks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. © 2022 Corteva

Grant Pringle, Product Agronomist Eastern Production Region, Pannar Seed
Contact details: 071 678 1511 or grant.pringle@pannar.co.za


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