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New white maize hybrids from Pannar

All Pannar’s white maize hybrids have excellent yield potential and stability, but its new hybrids go a step further, offering greater disease tolerance and PowerCoreTM technology for better insect resistance.

Pannar’s new white maize hybrids are renowned for high yield performance, wide area adaptability and stability, and seedling vigour. The latest hybrids also offer advanced new insect-resistance traits.

This season, Pannar introduces the first white maize hybrids with PowerCoreTM trait technology: PAN 3P-973PW, PAN 5P-985PW and PAN 5P-991PW. The unique combination of Bt proteins in the PowerCoreTM technology offers improved insectresistant management against maize stalk borer (Busseola fusca) and spotted maize stem borer (Chilo partellus),
while glyphosate tolerance provides proven weed control for farmers.

PAN 3P-973PW
PAN 3P-973PW is the new PowerCoreTM stack gene offering in the PAN 3A-173 platform, which also includes PAN 3R-573R. It’s a typical ultra-early plant type with upright leaves and good standability. PAN 3P-973PW is well adapted for both irrigated and high-potential dryland production areas. At lower plant populations, it tends to be prolific and produce a high grain-to-stover ratio. It has high general disease tolerance and produces good-quality grain.

PAN 5P-985PW
PAN 5P-985PW is the new PowerCoreTM stack gene hybrid on the medium-early PAN 5285 platform, which includes PAN 5685R and PAN 5R-785BR. These are widely adapted and maintain stable performance. They have very good yield
potential in soils with a clay content of >10% in the topsoil, and perform well in the western production areas. PAN 5P-985PW is highly resistant to cob and tassel smut as well as northern corn leaf blight.

PAN 5P-991PW
PAN 5P-991PW with PowerCoreTM trait technology strengthens the PAN 5A-291 platform, which includes the popular medium-early hybrids PAN 5A-291, PAN 5B-491B, PAN 5R-591R and PAN 5R-891BR.

PAN 5P-991PW produces good performance in high-potential soils of the western production areas with a clay content of <10% in the topsoil. It is prolific and its seedling vigour is an advantage for rapid plant population establishment.

PAN 5A-163
PAN 5A-163 is a completely new platform, and is flanked by its glyphosate-tolerant stablemate PAN 5R-563R. These hybrids offer good overall leaf disease tolerance and improved yield stability, particularly on intermediate potential lands. The platform has good grain quality and is prolific at lower plant populations.


PAN 5R-555R
PAN 5R-555R is an innovative new hybrid for the western production areas. It has good standability and an excellent prolificacy index, yet doesn’t produce too many tillers. It offers good germination with strong seedling vigour, making it the best choice for the sandy soils of the north-western Free State. It also has high overall leaf disease tolerance.

Please note that as a farmer you are required by law to manage potential insect resistance to the Bt gene. If you are using any Bt hybrids (B, BR, or PW), you must plant a refuge on your farm according to the applicable regulations. Kindly consult your Pannar representative to ensure that the refuge meets the requirements. Visit pannar.com.


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