Klaas van Wyk, Agronomist, Pannar Seed, Northern Cape.
Maize production under irrigation plays a major role in the stability of South Africa's national maize yield to ensure food security. The area of maize under irrigation accounts for about 10% of the total maize planted and is in the region of 250 000 hectares annually and probably contributes more than 2.5 million tons to the national crop annually. Maize production under irrigation plays a particularly important role in the production years when South Africa experiences a drought.
Crop production under irrigation requires careful planning, preparation, establishment of a good plant population and management, as profitable production is under tremendous pressure. Every link in the chain is important for success. Hybrid selection and establishment of an optimal plant population forms the basis for success. Pannar's ultra early maize package delivers top performance when best management practices are applied and maintains an excellent performance record under irrigation. Please consult your regional Pannar agronomist or representative for the best placement of hybrids.
The foundation for a high-potential grain crop is laid by planting the seed accurately. Plants that are uniformily spaced ensures optimal production from each plant. It is essential that seedlings emerge evenly. This is achieved through an even seedbed, optimal soil temperatures and a slow planting speed to ensure good spacing of seed within the row, an even planting depth, good contact with the soil and moisture and correct fertiliser placement. The goal is uniform germination to minimise inter-plant competition. This is determined by the proper and efficient functioning of the planter. Ensure that it is set up and calibrated correctly before planting and monitor performance regularly throughout the planting process. Optimal germination will take place above 15°C. Formation of a crust and clods are unfavourable. Good weed control is critically important in the plant’s early development stages.
Excellent hybrids for irrigation:
PAN 3A-124, PAN 3R-524R, PAN 3R-724BR and PAN 3R-224YHR:
These ultra early yellow hybrids are the quickest in the Pannar range. They produce attractive yellow grain that dries down quickly. The package maintains excellent high-yield potential and stability over seasons. This is the best irrigation choice currently on the market. This platform is also well adapted and an excellent choice for the high-potential dryland production areas.
This season, the platform has been rounded out by the addition of PAN 3R-224YHR, a top performing stacked gene hybrid that contains the Intrasect® Insect Protection technology (TC1507 X MON810) as well as Roundup Ready® Maize 2 technology providing glyphosate tolerance.
PAN 3R-500R and PAN 3R-800BR:
The ultra early package also sees the introduction of PAN 3R-800BR with second-generation stalk-borer (MON89034) and glyphosate tolerance. It is based on the PAN 3R-500R platform that boasts very good yield potential, is widely adapted and an especially good choice at early planting dates under irrigation and on high potential dryland conditions. It offers an attractive plant type with good standability and ear placement. These hybrids produce good quality semi-flint grain and shows good tolerance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB).
These hybrids are also highly recommended for the production of silage under irrigation. When planted for silage a higher plant population may be an advantage as these hybrids tend to produce a fixed cob.
PAN 4A-128, PAN 4R-528R and PAN 4R-728BR:
This quick or early yellow hybrid range performs excellently under high-input irrigation. It is very well adapted to the eastern production areas. The hybrids provide good agronomic balance, and tend to carry the ears low on the stem.
PAN 3A-173 and PAN 3R-573R:
These ultra early white hybrids have a typical ultra early plant type with an upright leaf growth habit and good standability. They are well adapted to high plant populations with good general disease tolerance and good grain quality. These hybrids tend to be prolific and produce a high ratio of grain to stover. The two hybrids are recommended under irrigation and for the high-potential eastern dryland production areas.
Successful farming under irrigation requires good management and it is ideal that crop production from emergence to physiological maturity takes place without any stress. Because input costs are high, management errors should be avoided at all costs. For the best results, get involved yourself and place a premium on the fine detail for first-class results!
Photo 1: Plants that are uniformily spaced ensures optimal production from each plant. It is essential that seedlings emerge evenly.
Photo 2: PAN 3R-224YHR is a top performing stacked gene hybrid that contains the Intrasect® Insect Protection technology as well as Roundup Ready® Maize 2 technology.
Photo 3: PAN 3R-573R is an ultra early white hybrid equally suited under irrigation and for the high-potential eastern dryland production areas.
Photo 4: PAN 3R-800BR with second-generation stalk-borer (MON89034) and glyphosate tolerance is a good choice for grain or silage production under irrigation and well adapted to the dryland eastern production areas.