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Another successful Pannar farmers day in Vaalharts

Charlie de Beer, Pannar's representative for Hartswater, hosted a very successful Pannar information day in Vaalharts.

Charlie says: “We prepared for 65 people and were lucky to receive over 80 visitors! We are incredibly proud to be part of the success stories of our farmers in Vaalharts.”

The day focussed on Pannar's irrigated maize and wheat, with talks presented by Klaas van Wyk and Dr Andre du Toit.

Charlie also hosted the biggest maize cob competition. Boesman Fourie from Hartswater won first place, Jeandré van Zyl from Barkley West took second place, and Jan van Heerden from Hartswater took third place. Noorderharts NG Church treated our visitors to a tasty steak lunch.

For more information, feel free to contact Charlie at 082 856 5430, or contact your nearest representative.


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